
Welcome on our Webshop! Below you find all our available walking books! Don't forget to scroll down and have a look at our special offers!

Willkommen in unserem Webshop! Nachfolgend finden Sie alle unsere verfügbaren Bücher! Scrollen Sie nach unten und sehen Sie sich unsere deutschen Wanderführer an! Vergessen Sie nicht, sich unsere Sonderangebote anzusehen!

Welkom in onze webshop! Hieronder vind u al onze beschikbare wandelgidsen! Scroll naar beneden en bekijk de wandelgidsen die in het Nederlands zijn verschenen! Vergeet niet onze speciale aanbiedingen te bekijken!
Our walking guidebooks in English
Unsere Wanderführer auf Deutsch
Onze wandelgidsen in het Nederlands
Special Offers! / Spezialangebot! / Aanbiedingen!
This offer contains the walking booklets of the area Plakias & Spili, Agia Galini and Matala. With these three booklets you can discover the beautiful south central part of Crete!
A packet of 3 books in the Apokoronas region. It contains our books of Vamos, Georgioupolis and Almyrida & Kalyves. Together with the Apokoronas Touring Map and a booklet with 20 traditional kafenions in Apokoronas.
When you order this package you can write at your order at "Questions/Remarks" if you want the booklet of Georgioupolis in English or German!
This small colourful guide will help you discover the village of Vamos in Western Crete, Greece. It contains historical information, presentation of sights, a village walk and an additional seven country walks, all with beautiful pictures and clear maps.
The Apokoronas Touring Map is a detailed map (scale 1:50.000) providing all the roads, villages and much extra information. On the backside of the map are 10 beautiful and interesting places described that you have to visit. The description is in 6 languages; English, German, Dutch, French, Greek and Russian.
This small colourful guide will help you to discover the area of Georgioupolis, Kavros and lake Kournas in Western Crete, Greece.
It contains historical information, presentation of sights, useful tips and information and ten country walks, all with beautiful pictures and clear maps.
The Apokoronas Touring Map is a detailed map (scale 1:50.000) providing all the roads, villages and many extra information. On the backside of the map are 10 beautiful and interesting places described that you have to visit. The description is in 6 languages; English, German, Dutch, French, Greek and Russian.
Dieses kleine faberprächtige Buch hilft Ihnen, das Gebiet von Georgioupolis, Kavros und dem Kournas-See im Westen von Kreta zu entdecken. Es bietet historische Informationen, schönen Aussichtspunkte sowie kleinere und größere Wanderungen mit schönen Fotos und übersichtlichen Karten.
Der Apokoronas bietet viele Schäze!! Lassen Sie sich überraschen und entdecken Sie die wunderschöne Region mit Hilfe dieser Karte mit dem Auto, dem Fahrrad oder zu Fuß. Entdecken Sie kleine Dörfer, Orangenhaine, Flüsse, antike Städten und genießen Sie die vielen unterschietliche Ausblicke auf die Weißen Berge und das Meer!
The third book in the serie Discover...on Foot has 10 easy country walks in the area of Almyrida, Kalyves and Stylos, the western part of the Apokoronas area, Crete. It contains historical information, presentation of sights, useful tips and information and eleven country walks, all with beautiful pictures and clear maps.
The Apokoronas Touring Map is a detailed map (scale 1:50.000) providing all the roads, villages and many extra information. On the backside of the map are 10 beautiful and interesting places described that you have to visit. The description is in 6 languages; English, German, Dutch, French, Greek and Russian.