Updates Discover Georgioupolis... on Foot

It’s in the nature of walking guidebooks to be out of date almost as soon as they appear! Especially in Crete the landscape is changing all the time; footpaths are made into roads or are overgrown, houses are built, new fences are erected, etc. If you find any changes in the walks or think that the descriptions are not correct or clear, please let us know and send your advice to: info@discoveronfoot.com The changes will be added in future editions of the book. All our Books and updates for the walks you can find on our website www.discoveronfoot.com

Here you find updates for our booklet Discover Georgioupolis... on Foot. The updates are based upon experiences from other hikers but also by new information from us while checking the routes. The updates below are for the edition from 2019! 

Discover Georgioupolis... on Foot, edition 2019

Walk 2: To the village of Mathes

October 2023

The tavern in Mathes is closed and also at Villa Kapsa it is not possible anymore for drinks/food!

Also the path from Mathes down (after opening the stock fence, page 20 last sentence) seemed to be very difficult to find and very difficult passable.

For the moment we reccommend to walk until Mathes. Then return the way you came from and continue along the road (description last paragraph on page 20 

Walk 6: From Kavros to Kournas Lake

March 2024

  • page 35 at number (5), the beautiful bougainvillea is gone!
  • page 35 just after WP63) You follow this track for 1,3 km....  This track became asphalt! 

Walk 7: Along the Mouselas River and a Minoan tomb

March 2024

  • The kafenion at the start/end of the walk is open during the season. Probably opening again in May!

Walk 8 and 9: Starting in Kournas village 

March 2024

  • The minimarket at the village square is closed. The bakery nearby in the street as also other stuff to buy!