Updates Discover Agia Galini... on Foot
It’s in the nature of walking guidebooks to be out of date almost as soon as they appear! Especially in Crete the landscape is changing all the time; footpaths are made into roads or are overgrown, houses are built, new fences are erected, etc. If you find any changes in the walks or think that the descriptions are not correct or clear, please let us know and send your advice to: info@discoveronfoot.com The changes will be added in future editions of the book. All our Books and updates for the walks you can find on our website www.discoveronfoot.com.
Here you find updates for our booklet Discover Agia Galini... on Foot (edition 2020). The updates are based upon experiences from other hikers but also by new information from us while checking the routes.
At Walk 3 On page 20, column 2 second line: "Walk along the asphalt road for 430m until you see on your left a small dirt road going downhill towards an olive grove (there is a small sign “ Mega Cretan Theme Park”). Walk downhill towards the olive grove!...
The sign of the Mega Cretan Theme Park is not there anymore. Also the track to walk down to the olive grove has been closed with a fence. It is now very difficult to get down!
The best thing to do now is to walk back the same way you came from. The altenative is walking along the street which is often quite busy!
At Walk 6
- Page 31, second column: The Platanos café is closed! Luckely there are other places in Melambes where you can get a drink and/or food!
- Page 33 first column: ...Now follow along this fantastically scenic track for 1,2 km, to the point where the track turns sharply right (where you might have to open and close a stock fence).... There is no more fence and at the point you turn sharply right you find a concrete waterpump station!
- Page 33, secon column: Follow this track for another 500m until you reach a junction where you turn sharply left on a wide (partly concrete) track. The track where you turn sharply left is now an asphalt road!
- Page 33, second column: In 400m you pass a small white shrine (at a building company) on your left hand side (7). The small shrine is now blue/white instead of red/white!